I thought I'd be nice to bring my 'fine-art skills' back from the dead, and truth is it's been a while since I took a big blank canvas and draw whatever my heart desires on it. In this case the painting was a request by a relative.
She wanted something that reminded her of ancient Greek culture so I thought soft colors, impressionist features and a touch of cubism would suit the occasion.
Still life painting with a female figure.
Acrylics on canvas.
During my summer break back in Cyprus, I decided to practise a bit my 'advertising skills' at 'ELENI
EKKESHI' Advertising Agency. i got the chance to work, for about a month, with professional people and in an environment where designer meets client face to face.
This is a illustration a designed as an opening image to a Website designed by 'EKKESHI Agency', where you can basically find offers on a wide range of products among the capital city of Cyprus.
here you can find the link of the website http://www.nicosiasuperoffers.com/
CYTA, CYprus Telecommunication Authority, has been organising an event, celebrating it's 50 years. I took the chance to design some of the flyers and cards that would be sent out to people. The main idea was to add two half parts and create one whole; which is the definition of the organisation.

I wanted to play a bit with the main idea and the placement of the type.

So it's 8th September, soon to be back in cloudy London, and I'm almost half way of finishing another painting requested. She wanted vivid colours in an impressionism style... seems to be very popular in my country. I don't think I will be able to finish it before I go back, since it needs a whole lot of detail in it, but I'll try my best.
This is what i've done so far.